Ground Down to Rise Up!

Life is uncertain.
We need to pivot all the time. Entrepreneurs especially. At a fast pace.
But often all this pivoting leads to panicking.
Even without us being aware of it.
Trying to take control by working very hard is a defense mechanism for many of us. It’s a major pitfall for me as well.
Life is a series of ups and downs, and what matters most is how well you walk through the fire.
That’s why I gathered these resources to help you find inner support in times of uncertainty.
So you can make powerful decisions from a grounded place.
From a place of inner peace. Not panic or fear.
Strong. Calm. Kind.
This is a selection of advice from people that inspire me all the time.
I will keep adding new things, so this page will become a little library over time.
You can pull from it whenever you feel a little stuck.
Hope this helps!

Ground Down to Rise Up!

Life is uncertain.
We need to pivot all the time. Entrepreneurs especially. At a fast pace.
But often all this pivoting leads to panicking.
Even without us being aware of it.
Trying to take control by working very hard is a defense mechanism for many of us. It’s a major pitfall for me as well.
Life is a series of ups and downs, and what matters most is how well you walk through the fire.
That’s why I gathered these resources to help you find inner support in times of uncertainty.
So you can make powerful decisions from a grounded place.
From a place of inner peace. Not panic or fear.
Strong. Calm. Kind.
I will keep adding new things, so this page will become a little library over time.
You can pull from it whenever you feel a little stuck.
Hope this helps!


How to Be Calm in the Midst of Chaos

I’ve been following the Tim Ferris-show for years, and this episode is a very special one. In it Tim interviews Jack Cornfield, a former Buddhist monk. The talk was recorded at the beginning of the pandemic, but it’s useful during any type of crisis or meltdown.  He talks about the fact that human kind has survived many difficulties. And that we are wired to overcome tough times. We are survivors and have generations of ancestors standing behind us. Cheering us on. Click here to listen to it.

When You Feel Stuck in Your Job

Entrepreneurship can be a cure to overcome mental anxiety. When you find what you are good at, it’s your job to give it back to society. But how?

Just start with a fun little side hustle! In this podcast Chris Guilleabau talks about different types of jobs you can do on the side. Even if you don’t have the time or money for it. This is a great podcast if you have absolutely no clue what you want to do in your life and feel stuck in your current job.

Click here to listen to it.

When You Need Some Success & Failure Stories

The podcast ‘How I built this’ tells little stories about how other entrepreneurs made it. What are things that worked for them? It will give you also some reassurance. Things go wrong all the time! They didn’t build their empires effortless. Not a single one of them. This podcast gives a realistic view on what it means to be an entrepreneur. With all the hits and bombs along the way. It’s often a fascinating combination of luck and perseverance.

Click here to listen to it.


Follow the Fun in Your Life

This book is a very special one. It connects you to your inner creativity in 12 weeks. I can’t recommend this book enough! If you are feeling stuck or not as happy as you could be, this is an absolute must-read. It isn’t just a book on creativity. It shows you a different way of life. It will guide you to a more powerful version of who you are in a very fun and inspirational way. So read it to feel more free, to feel more grounded, to get back to your true self. Go for it, you won’t regret it. 🙂

You can find it here.

When You Need to Be Brave

Words can be very soothing. Especially in times of uncertainty. That’s where poetry comes in. I recommend two little poetry-books for people who never read a poetry-book in their lives. ‘Brave Enough’ from Sheryl Strayed is the first. This little book full of quotes became my friend every time I needed a little bravery. It has quotes in it like “Forward is the direction of real life.” and “You can’t ride to the fair unless you get on the pony.”. The 2nd one I keep going back to is ‘Taking the Step’. This book just gives you a kick in the butt, and helps you find the courage to persevere when the going gets tough.

You can find ‘Brave Enough’ here and ‘Taking the Step’ here.

(Or even better: go order them at your local bookstore!)
When You Need to Go Back to the Basics

When you have to pivot, and you’re uncertain in what direction to go, it’s best to get back to the basics. What are your core strengths? And how can you use these strengths to give back to society? The book ‘What color is your parachute’ is a classic. It gives you insight in your transferable skills in life. How can you use your strengths in a different way than before?

You can find this book here.

If you want to dive even deeper, check out the ‘Stand Out assessment’ of Marcus Buckingham. Since the pandemic this tool is available for free! It gives tremendous insights in your core strengths in a very detailed and scientifically proven way.

You can find this assessment here.


When Feeling Overwhelmed

When setting goals we are often driven by our fears. Even subconsciously. So it’s very important to become aware of all those fears first, before doing anything else. This ‘fear setting exercise’ is a practical way to do this. Especially when you are feeling overwhelmed, or feel like your giant to do list is taking the best of you. It’s an absolute life-saver to feel more calm and focused. So much better than all those time-management tools and advice on goalsetting.

Before Any Important Meeting

We don’t give enough credit to our breath. It’s an immense powerful tool that can transform the way you feel in an instance. One ‘pranayama’-technique I use all the time is ‘alternate nostril breathing’. Try this for a couple of minutes whenever you feel stressed. Or just before going into an important meeting. It calms down the nervous system and helps you feel more grounded during those peak moments.

When You Can't Sleep

This breathing exercise works to get out of a frantic state of mind. Especially at night. It helps me fall asleep faster. This breathwork may also boost your immune system, but further research still needs to be done on that part. When you try this, make sure you do it at your own pace. Don’t force yourself to follow the video if it doesn’t feel right. Find a rhythm that feels good. Start with only 1 to 3 rounds. You can work your way up to 5 rounds after you tried it a couple of times.

(Safety warning: Don’t do these breathing exercises in a bathtub, your car or before going into the water. That’s very dangerous because there’s a risk of passing out.)

When You've Worked Too Much

A song to remember you can always go down town to get away from it all. 🙂 A little break can give you a fresh perspective right away. Singing along with this song, will make you breathe deeper. You’ll feel better in no time!

When You're Feeling Impatient or Scared

Tara Brach is a psychologist and mindfulness teacher. She has a great podcast, and this is one of her teachings on ‘the four remembrances’. I know it’s a bit out there, but stick with it. Because it’s about 4 things to remember when feeling insecure. Afraid to pursue our dreams. Or when you put too much pressure on yourself to achieve your goals. I especially love the story about the fish who made ‘the infinite his home’. (7:26)

To Get More Sleep

Optimizing your sleep is essential to make good decisions. But often our ‘fight or flight’ reflex keeps us up all night. There are two things that helped me out tremendously! 1)The sleep stories from apps like ‘Calm‘. You can find an example in the video above. 2) A weighted blanket like ‘Calmzy‘ to help your muscles relax.


Write Every Morning

Every morning, before you start your workday, write down at least 3 pages.

It doesn’t matter what you write. It doesn’t have to be good at all. This is an active form of meditation to gain more insight in your hopes and fears. After doing this for a while, you’ll find clarity. It helps also to start your workday fresh and focused.

(source: Book – The artist way)

Plan an 'Artist Date' Every Week

Every week, take yourself on a little ‘artist date’ and do something fun that you wouldn’t usually do.

It has to be at least 1 hour. You can’t take anyone with you. And it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you have some fun. It can be anything. Going to the movies by yourself, taking a boat ride, reading a book you haven’t read for a long time, etc. This will get your creative juices flowing during the rest of your week.

(source: Book – The artist way)

Check-in During the Day

At the start of your workday, ask yourself the question:
On a scale of 1-5, how grounded/centered do I feel today?

When it’s a 3 or even lower, limit your amount of work if possible and try not to make any big decisions today. Your focus should be on actions to regain your balance. Things like: taking more breaks than usual, going to the gym, doing breathing exercises, calling a friend, etc.  

Be honest with yourself! Check in during the day on a regular basis to see how certain actions made you feel more or less grounded. After a while, you’ll find things that work for you.

Write a Letter to Your Future Self

Send a letter to your ‘future self’ to make sure you remember important lessons learned.

Ok, this may sound a little crazy. But if you want to remember something important within this and a week/a month/a year/…, send letters to yourself. This free tool helps you to write mails to the future! Just go for it. It’s fun to get a little push, or reassurance from your ‘past self’ from time to time.

Don't Check the News/Social Media Before Noon

Every morning, read a book instead of checking your social media/the news.

This little habit will have a major impact on your focus and mood during the day. You’ll start your day with a clear mind instead of a cluttered one.

What's Your Pole Star and Next Step?

At the start of your workday, ask yourself the question: what is my pole star and next step?

Your pole star = your ‘end’-goal. The thing you want to accomplish within this and a couple of years. (It doesn’t have to be 100% clear yet, but it does have to give you a direction.)

Your next step = the one thing that will get you a little closer to your ‘pole star’today. It’s your focus. It’s the only thing you need to get clarity on. All the other things are vague, you can’t control any of it, so these don’t matter at all.

Source: Jon Barnes 

Throw a Pebble in the Pond and WAIT

Every week, ask yourself the question: what’s the pebble I will throw in the pond this week?

It’s a ‘symbol’ for your efforts. Make these focused. It’s no use to throw several pebbles in the pond at once. Then you won’t be able to notice what is happening through all the noise. Take focused action on one path, and wait for a response. Don’t try to take several paths at once.

Stop Working When You Push Yourself

Every time you are pushing yourself (or when you feel impatient with the progress you made), STOP! Put yourself in ‘time-out’. Take a break for at least 10 minutes.

This is a very hard thing to do for disciplined workaholics. But taking a break for longer than you want to, slows you down and ups your chances for taking better decisions. Don’t spend your break on your phone. Go outside for a little walk, do some stretching or get some exercise. Go into your body to get out of your mind.

When in Doubt, Choose the Bigger Life

When you find yourself in a dilemma and don’t know what the best path is to take, choose what feels like ‘the bigger life’ for you.

Life’s too short to stay stuck out of habit.

(Source: Gretchen Rubin)

People Succeed in Groups

Every time you feel a little stuck, ask the question: “Who can help me out with this?” Contact this person for advice.

Don’t try to do this on your own. Remember: people succeed in groups, and you’re no exception. Not asking for help is not bravery, it’s a form of self-punishment.

Become a Working Nomad

Don’t force yourself to work from one spot only. Find out the best places for you to work, depending on the task at hand. And switch during the day!

I use the notadesk to work outside. But I also love doing phone-calls on my couch, or work on things at the library. Get to know yourself and embrace a nomadic working-style. You don’t have to sit still in one place all the time. This will kill your creativity and it isn’t good for your body as well.

Life's a Big Hike

When you’re having a bad day, think about your life as one big hike. 

Some days are foggy, or rainy. But it will clear up within a couple of days, or even hours. And then you’ll be able to see again where you’re going. You’ll get a new idea. Or you’ll meet some people on your path who’ll show you the way forward. If you’re tired, you need a day of rest. If you’re excited for what’s to come, make sure you don’t burn all your energy at once. The hike is long, but little by little you’ll travel far.

Do you have additional advice or resources?

Feel free to contact me.
I’m always testing new things and searching for resources that can help us all.